Serving the families in Southern Nevada since 1983

Water Treatment FAQs

father and daughter cooking together

In the internet age, a wealth of knowledge is available at your fingertips. However, the internet isn’t just open to people who are right. Anyone can post anything online, and social media is particularly guilty about spreading falsehoods. That’s why it’s so important to separate fact from fantasy, especially when that information affects big decisions like treating your home’s water supply.

Home water treatment doesn’t have to be a complicated subject, but people can be misled by myths or simply have never looked into it before. At EcoWater Systems, we want you to be informed before you make any decisions that can change your home life, so we’ve compiled this handy list of water treatment FAQs.

What is Hard Water?

You have have heard the terms hard water and soft water before. Put simply, hard water is water with a high mineral content. Most of the time, these minerals are calcium and magnesium. This is contrasted by soft water which has a very low mineral content.

Why Does Hard Water Matter?

Hard water isn’t as effective as soft water in virtually all uses of home water. When you clean dishes, it’ll be harder to make them spotless. In fact, hard water could cause some spots of its own. When you wash laundry, your clean clothes won’t be as vibrant. Scum and other buildup will accumulate faster around faucets, drains and bathtubs. It’s also important to note that hard water simply doesn’t taste as good.

Is Hard Water Treatable?

Yes! Hard water is treatable, and treating it can be one of the best decisions you make for your home water system. All you need is a water filtration system in your home. Water softeners specifically do wonders for getting rid of mineral contaminants in your water.

How Does a Water Softener Work?

At its core, a water softener exchanges the harmful minerals like calcium and magnesium in water for sodium ions. If you’re thinking that this will make your water taste salty, you don’t have to worry. What we taste as salty comes from sodium chloride. The softening process produces only sodium bicarbonate which doesn’t change the taste of your water at all. The only difference in taste will be due to the lack of intrusive minerals like magnesium and calcium.

How Does Soft Water Change Things?

When you start using soft water, numerous aspects of your home life will change. Not only will all your faucets and drains be cleaner, everything that uses water will be. Your dishes will sparkle more and your clothes will be more vibrant. There’s even an economic benefit to soft water. Your appliances will last longer, whether it’s your sink or pots that you use water to cook with.

Another benefit you may not have considered is your hair. When you wash your hair with soft water rather than hard water, it tends to get more volume. Soap and shampoo also lathers much easier in soft water, so you’ll be using less product every time you shower.

EcoWater Systems Water Softeners

With the answers to these water treatment FAQs, the importance of water softeners is more apparent than ever. If you think it’s time to upgrade your home water system, EcoWater Systems is happy to help. We have a large selection of premium water softener systems and the know how to install and maintain them for you. Contact us today if you have any other water treatment questions for us.

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