Serving the families in Southern Nevada since 1983

How to Know if Your Water Softener Is Working

water flowing from a shower head

Have you suddenly discovered that your water doesn’t seem the same? Does your water seem harsher on your skin and hair? Have you noticed water spots or a change in your water pressure? These can all be basic symptoms that your water softener isn’t working right.

When a water softener goes bad it can be not only inconvenient, but it can cause real problems in your plumbing — and for your health. Learn how to know if your water softener is working properly, how to diagnose water softener problems when they arise, and who to call for repairs.

Diagnose Water Softener Problems

If you suspect that your water softener isn’t working properly, there are several signs you can look for to help diagnose water softener problems. These include water spots, changes in your water quality or water pressure, and the general feel of your water.

Water Spots

If you take a shower or wash your dishes and you notice water spots left behind on the dishes or the glass, that’s a sign that you have hard water. These spots are caused by mineral buildup that is called scale. You shouldn’t have to clean your shower door every time you take a bath. You shouldn’t have to wipe spots off your glasses. If you do, your water softener might be malfunctioning.

Plumbing Problems

Scale doesn’t just affect your glasses. It affects your plumbing as well. Minerals can build up in your pipes and have a major effect on your plumbing. Water pressure can decrease, and become discolored as a result. If you’re noticing plumbing issues and you have a water softener, you might be seeing signs that it’s no longer working properly.

The Feel of Your Water

When you take a shower, do you notice that your skin feels itchy and dry? Is it really hard to get soap to lather up when you use it? If you’re noticing these kinds of issues, the first thing to do is check the brine tank on your softener. Make sure that there are plenty of salt pellets in the tank. If it’s full, then your water softener tank might have problems.

Maintaining Your Water Softener

The best way to avoid potentially expensive problems with your water softener system is to maintain it properly. Eventually it will wear down, just like any appliance, but the proper routine maintenance can make it last much longer.

There are a number of factors to consider when deciding whether to service or replace your machine, including:

  • Amount and cost of media and consumables used
  • Functioning of your control valve
  • Efficiency of the machine
  • Frequency of service

If you’re having your machine serviced more than you should, if consumables are wearing faster and there are newer, more efficient options available, you may want to consider replacing your water softener machine.

Call a Pro

The best water softener service professionals will be able to advise you on your best options. If you’re in Las Vegas and you want an honest service to diagnose water softener problems and advise you on repair or replacement costs, call EcoWater Systems in Las Vegas for help and advice today.

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