Serving the families in Southern Nevada since 1983

Water Conservation Tips for Around the House

water drop dripping from the tap

Your home is a haven, and it’s also a place where you can make a significant impact on water conservation. From the kitchen to the bathroom, laundry room, and even your outdoor spaces, there are practical water-saving measures you can implement to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Let’s make every drop count—read on to explore more water conservation tips you can apply around the house.

4 Kitchen Water Conservation Tips

The kitchen is a hub of activity and it’s also one of the primary places where water is used. By optimizing water usage, you can make a meaningful contribution to conservation.


Use Your Dishwasher Efficiently:

    • Dishwashers have made significant strides in water efficiency over the years. They now use far less water than older models, making them an environmentally friendly choice.
    • To maximize water conservation, run your dishwasher only when you have a full load. Running partial loads wastes water and energy.
    • Consider using the eco-friendly cycle when it’s available on your dishwasher. This setting optimizes water and energy usage, reducing your environmental footprint without compromising the cleanliness of your dishes.


Fix Leaky Faucets and Pipes: 

  • While a dripping faucet might seem like a minor annoyance, it can waste a surprising amount of water over time. One drop per second can add up to thousands of gallons of water lost each year.
  • These leaks not only contribute to water waste, but also inflate your water bills. Don’t let those leaks persist; get them fixed promptly.


Collect and Reuse Cooking Water:

  • After boiling pasta or vegetables, you can repurpose the cooking water for a sustainable cause. Instead of pouring it down the drain, let it cool to room temperature.
  • Once cooled, this “greywater” can be used to nourish your plants, conserving clean, treated water for essential uses.
  • Greywater recycling is a simple way to minimize your household’s water footprint, and it contributes to both water conservation and a thriving garden.


Smart Cooking and Meal Preparation:

  • Meal preparation and cooking present opportunities to reduce water usage. Plan your meals and prepare dishes efficiently to minimize the number of pots, pans, and utensils you use.
  • Using fewer kitchen tools not only saves water, but also simplifies the cleanup process, conserving water and energy. Consider investing in multi-purpose kitchenware to reduce the amount of washing required.
  • Additionally, be mindful of portion sizes to reduce food waste. Wasting food indirectly wastes the water used to produce it.

4 Bathroom Water Conservation Tips

Bathrooms are one of the main culprits when it comes to water consumption. Here’s how to conserve water in this water-intensive space:


Install Low-Flow Showerheads and Faucets:

  • Low-flow fixtures are designed to reduce water usage without compromising water pressure, ensuring a comfortable shower experience.
  • They achieve this by mixing air with water, resulting in a high-pressure stream that feels just as satisfying as a traditional shower.
  • By installing low-flow showerheads and faucets, you can save gallons of water with every use. For instance, a typical showerhead might use 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm), while a low-flow alternative could use as little as 1.5 gpm.
  • Over time, these savings add up, reducing your overall water consumption while having no noticeable impact on your shower quality.


Replace Old Toilets:

  • Consider upgrading to high-efficiency toilets that use significantly less water per flush. Older models can use 3.5 to 7 gallons of water per flush, while high-efficiency toilets typically use 1.28 gallons or less per flush.
  • This seemingly simple switch can have a significant impact on water conservation. For a household, it can translate into thousands of gallons saved each year.
  • Many municipalities even offer rebates, some for replacing old toilets with water-efficient ones, making this upgrade both environmentally and economically wise.


Turn Off the Tap:

  • A small yet impactful habit you can adopt in the bathroom is turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Leaving the tap running for these activities is a common, but wasteful practice. You’d be surprised by how much water can be saved by this simple habit.
  • By turning off the tap when it’s not needed, you conserve water, reduce your utility bill, and contribute to a more sustainable water future.


Fix Toilet Leaks:

  • A leaking toilet can be a silent water waster, often going unnoticed until water bills skyrocket.
  • To put this into perspective, a single toilet leak can waste thousands of gallons of water annually. A continuous trickle is not only an environmental concern, but also a financial burden.
  • Regularly check your toilets for leaks and promptly get them repaired. In many cases, it’s a simple fix like replacing a flapper or adjusting the flush valve.

2 Laundry Room Water Conservation Tips

The laundry room is another water-intensive area in most homes. By making a few changes, you can reduce water usage significantly.


Use High-Efficiency Washing Machines:

  • Front-loading and high-efficiency washing machines have revolutionized water conservation in the laundry room. They are designed to use significantly less water per load compared to traditional top-loading machines.
  • Despite their reduced water usage, they deliver exceptionally clean clothes. High-efficiency washers use a combination of energy-efficient agitators and efficient water spray patterns to achieve thorough cleaning.
  • By choosing high-efficiency machines, you can cut water consumption without sacrificing laundry quality. Over time, this translates to substantial water savings.


Wash Full Loads and Adjust Load Sizes:

  • One of the simplest ways to reduce water use in the laundry room is to avoid small loads and always use the appropriate load size settings on your washing machine.
  • Running full loads ensures that you get the most out of each cycle, minimizing water waste. Modern machines often have sensors that adjust water levels based on load size, further optimizing efficiency.
  • This habit not only conserves water, but also reduces energy consumption and detergent use, making it a win-win for your wallet and the environment.

3 Outdoor Water Conservation Tips

In regions like Las Vegas, outdoor water conservation is critical. Let’s explore ways to minimize water use in your yard and garden.


Choose Drought-Resistant Landscaping:

  • Opting for drought-resistant landscaping is a smart and eco-friendly choice. This type of landscaping involves selecting plants that require minimal water and are well-suited to the local climate.
  • Xeriscaping, in particular, is an excellent choice for arid regions like Las Vegas. It focuses on native and drought-tolerant plants, reducing the need for irrigation.
  • By choosing drought-resistant landscaping, you can significantly lower your outdoor water consumption, save on maintenance, and promote a more sustainable and water-wise garden.


Efficient Irrigation Practices:

  • Efficient irrigation practices play a crucial role in minimizing outdoor water waste. To conserve water while keeping your garden healthy, water during the cooler parts of the day, typically in the early morning or late afternoon.
  • Watering during these times reduces evaporation, ensuring that more water reaches the roots of your plants.
  • Additionally, ensure that your irrigation system is correctly configured to water your plants and not areas like sidewalks or driveways. Adjusting sprinkler heads and monitoring water distribution prevents wastage.


Repair Leaky Hoses and Faucets:

  • Leaky hoses and faucets in the garden can go unnoticed, leading to water wastage over time. Regularly inspect outdoor hoses, connectors, and faucets for leaks.
  • If you identify leaks, repair them promptly. This simple maintenance not only prevents water waste but also extends the life of your equipment and reduces your water bills.


Water Treatment Solutions for Water Conservation

At EcoWater Systems of Las Vegas, we understand that water conservation is a shared responsibility. Our product offerings not only improve the quality of your home’s water, but also play a role in promoting sustainable water usage.

  • Water Softeners for Efficiency: Water softeners can help you achieve efficient water use by reducing the need for excess soap and detergents. With softer water, you’ll find that you use less water during daily activities such as bathing and cleaning.
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems for Clean Drinking Water: Our reverse osmosis systems provide you with clean and pure drinking water right from your tap. By eliminating the need for bottled water, you not only reduce plastic waste, but also contribute to water conservation.
  • Water Filters for Purity: Ensure that the water in your home is free from impurities and contaminants with our water filter solutions. Cleaner water encourages efficient use, as you’ll have confidence in its quality for various household tasks.


Make Every Drop Count With EcoWater Systems of Las Vegas

In every corner of your home, you’ve discovered the power of small changes in water use. By optimizing how you use water in your kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and garden, you’re not only saving water, but also contributing to a more sustainable future.

To further enhance your water conservation efforts, reach out to EcoWater of Las Vegas. Our water treatment solutions improve the quality of your home’s water while actively promoting sustainable water use.

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