Serving the families in Southern Nevada since 1983

How to Reduce Your Water Footprint

trail of wet footprints

Exactly how much water do you use every day? You probably don’t have an exact figure, but think about it. Whether you’re cooking or cleaning or just grabbing a drink, you’re using water. This consumption is known as your water footprint and it contains all uses both direct and indirect. Your water consumption can have long reaching effects that you might not have considered.

If you want to reduce the amount of water you use, there’s good news. You can without much extra effort. You just have to know where to start. We at EcoWater Systems are committed to making sure as much water as possible is going to useful purposes. Scarce water conditions are a plague on the planet that shouldn’t exist this far into human existence, but unfortunate and often preventable circumstances have led us to this point. Learn more about how to reduce your water footprint and discover how you can help in your own small way.

Water Use Facts

To get an idea of just how much water is consumed, take a look at these facts. In the United States, the water footprint is about 2500 cubic meter per year per capita. If that number doesn’t mean much to you, consider that India, a country with about 4 times as many people only has a water footprint of 980 cubic meter per year per capita. Less than a decade from now, water scarcity could affect up to a third of the Indian population while the United States continues to use more water than it will ever need.

Easy Ways to Reduce Consumption

You’ve probably heard the most common water saving tip before. Turn the sink off while you brush your teeth. It may not seem like it makes much of a difference, but think about how much water is wasted after leaving the sink on every time you brush your teeth for a year. It’s also helpful to not throw pollutants down the drain whether it be the toilet or the sink. These include things like paint and medicine.

What you might not know is that manufacturing certain products requires a lot of water. Meat production uses a lot more water than other kinds of food, so cutting down on meat will help your water footprint and your health. You can also drink tea in the morning rather than coffee. Even limiting yourself to clothes without as much cotton can greatly reduce your water footprint. It’s important to think about the indirect water consumption you’re responsible for as well.

Water Softener

If your home’s water supply is filled with hard water, you’ll be using more of it whenever you clean. Hard water contains high amounts of calcium and magnesium which makes it harder for soap to lather. The same applies to shampoo as well. Install a water softener to make lathering and cleaning much easier.

Your Water Footprint

Reducing your water footprint can be easy, and it greatly helps those around the world who aren’t fortunate enough to have access to as much water. Don’t let this precious resource go to waste. If you’re looking for a water softener, EcoWater Systems is happy to help. Contact us today to learn more about how to reduce your water footprint and how to find high quality water softeners for your home.

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