Serving the families in Southern Nevada since 1983

Water Conservation Tips for Around the House

water drop dripping from the tap

As a nation, we waste more resources than possibly any other nation in the world, and that includes water. How often do you leave the water running more than you should, regardless of what you’re doing? Using too much water puts a strain on our wastewater and water treatment facilities, it puts strain on your home’s plumbing, and it runs your bills up through the roof.

Conserving water, on the other hand, makes more available for areas with drought conditions, saves you money on utilities and is simply better for the environment. Learn some water conservation tips for around the house so you can be confident that you’re doing your part for your wallet and for the planet.

General Water Conservation Tips

There are some general water conservation tips that apply to the whole house. At least once a year, spend some time examining any room in your house that has plumbing. Check for any leaky faucets. Look to see if your main cutoff valve is leaking or has moisture. Repair any issues like this. Also, check for old equipment — that toilet from 1973 or the dishwasher from 1992 might be in need of replacement with a newer, more water- and energy-efficient model.

Kitchen Tips

The kitchen is one of the biggest culprits of wastewater in the home. When you’re cooking, instead of cleaning and peeling vegetables under a constantly running tap, fill a bowl up and do it in there. When you’re washing dishes, fill the basin with water instead of letting the faucet run constantly. Don’t run the dishwasher unless it’s full.

Faucet aerators can be a great way to purify your water as well as reducing consumption. When you buy dishwashers, get appliances that have low-water-use functions. Finally, consider composting instead of using your garbage disposal!

Bathroom Tips

When you’re in the bathroom, only run the water while you’re actively using it. Turn it off while brushing your teeth or shaving. Fill the sink instead of running the tap. When you’re in the shower, turn off the water while you soap up. If you’re a fan of taking baths, use a lower volume of water, or consider switching to a quick shower.

Check for leaky toilets by adding food coloring into your tank and watching to see if it appears in the bowl after an hour. Use faucet aerators, flow-control shower heads and toilet dams.

Doing Laundry

Start with buying a water-saver washing machine which allows you to adjust for load size. Never run your washer unless you’ve got a full load of laundry ready to go!

Conserving Water Outdoors

In addition to checking your hose nozzles for leaks, consider cutting your grass longer, and refrain from watering the lawn every day — switch to once per week. Use mulch and compost to help retain water and promote healthy plant growth. Consider using a rain barrel. Don’t hose off the walk; rather, sweep it off with a broom.

Installing a whole-home water treatment system can make your water healthier and help you conserve. If you’d like more information or to explore a water filter option for your southern Nevada home, call Ecowater systems today.

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